"Becoming Me"
Games Day
Our youth focused Life Skills Programs are offered free of charge.
"Becoming Me in Msholozi" and "Becoming Me in Phumlani" Life Skills Program engages youth through interactive modules on a variety of important topics. Sawubona Project also offers program beneficiaries a weekly time to engage and learn through Games. A fun and active learning atmosphere.
Sawubona Project also offers a program called "Learning2Lead". This is an after school program for grade 7 students at a local school in Msholozi.
A meal is provided at the end of each program.
"Becoming Me"
2023 offered all the programs listed in 2022, and saw an incredible increase in the number of children and youth in attendance. A total of 170 beneficiaries attended graduation in Nov 2023. We promoted 5 beneficiaries to the role of Jr. Intern, we grew our team to include our first Professional Intern, and held our third annual walk, this year highlighting HIV prevention.
2022 offered two Becoming Me programs in Msholozi, one Games Day, one Learning2Lead program in Msholozi, one Becoming Me in Phumlani, and two camps, winter and summer, during school break.
September 2021 SP launched two programs, 35 female students enrolled in our "Becoming Me", Life Skills Program, and 3 separate grade 7 classes (male and female) in our Learning2Lead, Life Skills Program.
During Covid, SP launched a Covid Response Project to meet the needs of their vulnerable students and their families in an unprecedented time
Covid-19, lockdowns, and restrictions required SP to temporarily suspend the Program
The second Life Skills program included 30 students both male and female, the average age was 17
A Games Day was implemented into the Program as well. Students engage in practical learning through board games.
SP launched its second Life Skills Program in February 2020 which was to run until the end of October 2020
The first local male facilitator joined the team
January 2020, SP held a special training for young adults, "How to become a leader people Trust"
Sawubona Project completed its first Life Skills Program in November 2019
The first Program launched with 15 girls who all received certificates at the completion of the Program
The Edu Centre location enabled students to attend the Life Skills Program on site, in their own community
The Program secured an Education Centre in Msholozi, SA, an informal community.
Modules include topics such as: Self-Esteem, HIV/Aids, Gender Equity, Teen Pregnancy, Gender Violence, and more.
2019, three local South African young adults were trained to facilitate Life Skills modules.